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Guy Fieri


Flavortown USA

Flavortown CANADA


Passage to India Restaurant on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

Watch episode 'Spicin' Things Up' aired on season 33

Locations Guy Fieri visits in the USA - Places to eat comfort home-style, healthy, gourmet & fast food meals!


It's easily one of our favorite cuisines not just in general but from across the globe, Indian food. This wonderful eatery in the heart of Fargo combines both the North and South regions of India when you visit, Passage to India. Once you enter the arched doorways, you will be transported to a new cuisine for most that will blow away and preconceived conceptions you may have, and often times, many have. If you are hungry for plenty of food, then consider visiting during their popular lunch buffet hours. From their own vision, this place really is the definition of authentic Indian food meets Fargo, North Dakota. When you pass through the neighborhood of Westfield Marketplace, you will be greeted with many international options to choose from. They opened their doors in 2005 and have always stayed true to their unrelenting desire for authenticity. It truly is as if you were visiting India from the flavors, presentation and ingredients. If you are familiar with Indian food, then you will make this a regular stop. However, if it is all new then be brave and let yourself experience amazing food that will make you a fan. The staff here is extremely friendly and will walk you through their menu or buffet items so you can find exactly what will fit your taste and preferences. It's not all about spice and curry.. that is far from what Indian food is all about. Always fresh and incredibly tasty foods, the atmosphere is warm and inviting. Plenty of veggie options for those that prefer.. so be sure to ask as they accommodate everyone. The truly is an authentic passage to Indian cuisine and we're happy to share this gem of a spot with you all. Be sure to take advantage when visiting Fargo and tell them we said hi!

Address / Location:

855 45th St S a3
Fargo, ND 58103

For menu, health nutrition facts, hours, delivery, reservations or gift cards please call: 701-281-0277

Passage to India


Cuisine: Indian Food     Diet Plan / Foods: Lamb

Dal Tadka Tandoori Chicken Garlic Naan Passage to India Food Madras Egg Curry Masala Tibetan Momo Potato Cakes Lamb Roganjosh

Please inquire for any specific diet-friendly, vegan, gluten free or organic meal availability.

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